I am a digital health product leader with a specialized background in applied behavioral science. My training in psychology and business, and my experience in research and healthcare, have given me an interdisciplinary lens to better appreciate the complexity of behavior in the real world, particularly when it comes to the thorny domain of health and wellbeing.
I’ve been a researcher myself, managed researchers and designers, applied the research to product, and overseen product teams designing for user health. And my experience building and testing digital tools make me uniquely qualified to lead product in digital health.
Duke University, The Fuqua School of Business, Durham, NC
Reed College, Portland, OR
Advised by Professors Enriqueta Canseco-Gonzalez (Reed College), Carey Morewedge (Carnegie Mellon University), and Daniel Oppenheimer (Princeton University)
15 years managing scientifically informed programs, projects and products
Led behavioral design for a digital health platform, applying behavioral research to product
Skilled director of strategy, operations and communications for 50+ research center
Designed high-impact features such as Custom Plans in Fitness+ to help users make better health decisions (e.g., stick to their exercise goals) at the intersection of AI and behavioral science. Working cross-functionally with design, engineering, and AIML research teams, I led research-to-product translation to innovate on behavioral science techniques and operationalize behavioral design, from the development of conceptual UI to flow mockup. Pushed forward behaviorally-informed features to transform product experiences for users, emphasizing an overall product strategy of making desired behaviors easy, attractive, social, and personalized
Led behavioral design to make the Pattern digital health platform motivating, intuitive, and personalized for patient and participant end users. Launched behaviorally-driven product features to support users, such as the patient care circle and commitment features. Scaled behavioral design within the company through training and proprietary material development. Oversaw program and product teams to execute on behavioral design strategy, for both clinical research and care management applications.
The Behavior Shop consultancy brought the science and its applications to companies wanting to build better products and services for human behavior. It emerged from a clear need and desire within industry to design for humans, and our team held deep expertise in applying behavioral insights in fun, easy and resonating ways.
Responsible for financial governance, design of management systems and oversight of daily operations
Created client materials and presentations for talks, workshops and consulting retainers
The Center for Advanced Hindsight is an applied behavioral science lab at Duke University that specializes in health and financial decision-making. They design, test and implement behavioral interventions to help people become happier, healthier and wealthier. Bridging the gap between research and real-world applications, the Center partners with a wide variety of organizations, from tech companies to governments to nonprofits, to make a broader impact on the world. As one of four Principals, I led the org’s strategy and operations.
Governed strategic planning among leadership, including the creation of a business model, balanced scorecard, competitive landscape analysis, and development of strategic initiatives
Led transformation of operations through iterative process of organization-wide surveys, assessments, group discussions, piloting, implementation and analysis
Managed rebranding, including logo redesign, brand strategy, organizational assets, website overhaul
Cultivated a culture of research dissemination through writing workshops, measures of accountability, and the creation of an interdisciplinary Marketing Team. Served as Head of the Marketing Team, leading strategy and operations, establishing procedures for efficient content creation and collaboration, and overseeing special ops. Upheld organizational interests such as fundraising goals, unified messaging, external partnerships, and content strategy
Designed and implemented a comprehensive fundraising program at all levels of the organization Identified and evaluated prospects and coordinated fundraising efforts among researchers
Launched the Behavioral Design Podcast in collaboration with Habit Weekly, interviewing leading experts on behavioral science and design. Frequent appearances on other behavioral science podcasts
Published as a Forbes contributor to apply the findings of behavioral science to work and well-being
Launched a novel research-industry partnership between Duke University and Pattern Health
Informed business strategy through industry analysis and report of strategic positioning
Advised on behavioral science, using research as a basis for product design and conducting original research to test hypotheses relevant to the product. Conducted 5 online surveys, 4+ patient focus groups, 3 large-scale randomized controlled trials in patient and non-patient populations
Inspired product vision and design, with respect to user experience (capturing attention, reducing friction, increasing engagement) and the application of behavioral insights to the product (i.e., via adherence features and personalization)
Developed digital health programs motivated by behavioral science and adapted for clinical use
Created iterative pilot program for year 1; led its evolution with Program Coordinator who I oversaw
Developed 3-year growth strategy for expansion beyond trial phase. Identified strategic goals to create a sustainable incubator focused on high-impact startups utilizing behavioral science
Selected startups admitted into the program each year. Identified and recruited firms developing digital tools addressing critical problems in health and finance; selected 3 teams per year from ~50 applicants
Facilitated research collaborations between Duke researchers and startup founders
Advised companies on applying behavioral science findings and methods to their products with a focus on sustainable scientifically-informed product strategy
Taught experimentation methods to help entrepreneurs integrate rigorous testing in all parts of their new ventures, informing their system for designing randomized controlled experiments, collecting data, analyzing results, and sharing them with the public. Research insights based on these processes support both broad feature improvements and personalization (per-user optimization) for startups
Managed the development of 6 apps for the Center for Advanced Hindsight to to help users utilize behavioral science in their daily decision-making, from conceptualization to design and launch.
Responsible for creating requirements, communicating with client project managers, organizing internal and external testing teams, and managing the project plan
Developed organizational structure of each app, including wireframing and creative design
Oversaw product teams to ensure appropriate execution of the desired product strategy
Developed a massively open online course (MOOC) with Dan Ariely through coursera.org, working closely with the Fuqua multimedia team, planning and editing course content, conducting research, and running the course. The class was consistently rated as one of the top 5 MOOCs available, and taught over 300,000 students over two years (2013-2014)
Led instructional design and content creation for the course, ranging from storyboarding and video production to a curated readings, quizzes, and assignments. Planned and implemented course communications.
Managed student interactions as well as relationships between Duke, coursera, Dan Ariely, TAs and Community TAs, guest lecturers, as well as other internal parties at the Center for Advanced Hindsight
Led research and behavioral design for digital health projects (on average, 3 large and 10-15 smaller projects per year) sponsored by and in collaboration with companies such as Google, Novartis and Medtronic, in clinical research and care management on topics ranging from medication adherence to physical activity. Focused on improving the patient/participant experience to impact health outcomes.
For each project, oversaw prototype development, managed internal researchers and external product teams, designed and conducted experiments, produced final reports.
Project Manager of $750,000 grant from Google (Applying behavioral economics to health monitoring technology to improve medication and exercise adherence, 2015). Oversaw all aspects of the project, managing internal research associates and external development teams, designing and planning experiments, developing materials and final report
Wrote and received NIH grant for $431,750 (“Altruism in Research,” 2013), managed associated research. Performed an extensive literature review of past research, experimental design, budget calculation, and compiled written proposal
My digital health research team received the Duke Teamwork Award (2017)





On April 1st 2018, we announced the launch of an exciting new initiative, the Ulysses Lab. Endorsed and advised by many of the top behavioral science experts around the world, it promised to get you to your goals with perfect certainty. It seemed almost too good to be true – and it was. In case the outrageous punishments suggested by our tool didn’t give us away, the April 1st launch surely did.
We collaborated with +Acumen to create an online course to help social entrepreneurs make an impact – by designing products that change consumer behaviors for good. We are always getting questions about how startups can experiment within their small companies (with few resources, especially time), and this course provides the tools for entrepreneurs to take a systematic approach to experimentation.
In 2013 and 2014, Dan Ariely taught an online class through Coursera called “A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior.” The class explored some of the many ways in which we behave in less than rational ways, and how we might overcome our shortcomings. It also considered cases where our irrationalities work in our favor, and how we can harness these human tendencies to make better decisions. The topics covered were Irrationality, the Psychology of Money, Dishonesty, Labor and Motivation, Self-control, and Emotion.

Pocket Ariely takes Dan Ariely’s lifelong work in behavioral economics and puts it at the tip of your fingers… literally. This app seeks to provide valuable content in different formats (video, text, games) across many disciplines of interest such as: Finance, Health, Productivity, and even Romance! The goal is to educate and entertain people from all walks of life to make better decisions in life while letting out a giggle here and there.

Conscience+ is here to help you through life’s most perplexing moral dilemmas. Based on the latest insights about human decision making, Conscience+ gives you the excuses you need to justify doing what you want to do – whether it is something good you aspire to, OR something more shady and less moral. Think of Conscience+ as providing both an angel and devil, sitting on your shoulder and available for advice at the flip of a switch.

“A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters the fool.” We humans believe the kind words of complimenters, even when it is clear that the flatterer is disingenuous (or non-human!). But the benefits of compliments don’t end with getting; your mood improves when giving compliments, too! That’s why attaboy exists.

We are interested in how Dan Ariely’s research on cheating and dishonest behaviour relates to an academic medicine environment.
Dimant, E., Clemente, E. G., Pieper, D., Dreber, A., Gelfand, M., & Behavioral Science Units Consortium: Hallsworth Michael, Holzwarth Aline & Tantia Piyush. (2022). Politicizing mask-wearing: predicting the success of behavioral interventions among republicans and democrats in the US. Nature Scientific Reports, 12(1), 7575.
Schwartz, J., & Holzwarth, A. (2021). Insights from behavioural economics for effective leadership during the pandemic. BMJ Leader, 5, 214-218.
Ariely, D. & Holzwarth, A. (2018) How Much Money Will You Really Spend in Retirement? Probably a Lot More Than You Think, Wall Street Journal.
Holzwarth, A. (2018). The Real Reason You Shouldn’t Text While Driving, Behavioral Scientist.
Ariely, D. & Holzwarth, A. (2017). The choice architecture of privacy decision-making, Health and Technology, 7(4), 415–422.
Ariely, D., Trower, M. & Grüneisen, A. (2016). Irrational Attachment (Why We Love What We Own) in Critical Mindfulness: Exploring Langerian Models edited by Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi, Springer, Cambridge MA.
Ariely, D. & Grüneisen, A. (2013). The Price of Greed: How Economic Selfishness Harms Us All. Scientific American Mind, 24, 5, 38-41.
Ariely, D. & Grüneisen, A. (2013). How To Turn Consumers Green. McKinsey on Society, Vol. 4.
Grüneisen, A., Schwartz, J., & Ariely, D. (November 2011). Does What Happens at the Party Stay at the Party? Examining the Influence of Peers and Context on Attitudes and Behaviors. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Seattle, WA.
Oleson, K.C., Booth, M., Grueneisen, A.M., Lynch, S., & Yen, T.Y. (February 2009). Concern for Performance of Ability: Differing Contingencies of Self-Worth for Subjective Overachievers and Self-Handicappers. Paper accepted for the 10th Annual Meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.
McGee, A.J., Kominsky, J.F., Briggs, K.E.L., Grueneisen, A.M., Orbach, T. & Brand, R.J. (April 2009). Structure in Mothers’ Demonstrations to Infants of Objects With and Without a Salient End-Goal. Presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Currie, P.J., Grueneisen, A.M., Wall, D.G., & Sarkodie, K.A. (July 2008). Anxiogenic, orexigenic and metabolic effects of hypothalamic ghrelin. Appetite, 51, 360. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Paris, FR.
Member of professional organizations: Applied Behavioral Science Assoc (ABSA), Global Association of Applied Behavioral Scientists (GAABS), Society for Behavioral Medicine (SBM), Society for Judgment & Decision Making (SJDM), American Psychological Association (APA), Social Psychology Network (SPN), Society for Personality & Social Psychology (SPSP)
Faculty Advisor for Duke Master’s student in the Bio Ethics, Tech Ethics and Science Policy graduate program (2016-2017)
Certificates from Coursera (2018): Healthcare Innovation and Entrepreneurship, The Science of Well-Being, Introduction to Public Speaking, Speaking to Inform, and Speaking to Persuade.
Duke Human Research Training (Biomedical Research with GCP; Vulnerable Subjects - Research Involving Prisoners; Vulnerable Subjects - Research Involving Children, Vulnerable Subjects - Research Involving Pregnant Women; Fetuses and Neonates; History and Ethical Principles; Informed Consent; Internet-based Research).
Career at Duke Workshop (2018, Managing at Duke Workshop (2014). Leadership Excellence Certificate (in progress); courses taken: Leader as Coach, Emotional Intelligence: The Emotionally Effective Leader, Managing from the Middle (2017).
OP-ED Workshop, Duke Office of News and Communication (2012) and National Association of Science Writer’s conference, Raleigh, NC (2012). Sponsored by Karl Bates (Director of Research Communications at Duke).
Audited Peter Ubel’s Decision Making MBA course (2011): Irrational Choices, Unconscious Decisions and Market Failure.
Research Assistant for Carnegie Mellon’s Center for Behavioral Decision Research for Professors Carey Morewedge and George Loewenstein (2008). Attended intensive workshop for Cognitive Science and Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute for Research in Cognitive Science (2008).
Society for Personality and Social Psychology talk for Beyond Academia: Psychology in Applied Settings (2023)
Behavioral Insights Team talk for Leveraging Behavioural Science to Promote Health & Wellness (2022)
Blue Cross Blue Shield Tech Summit Speaker (2021)
University of Pennsylvania’s Master of Behavioral & Decision Sciences (MBDS) workshop speaker, served on panel for its consulting class, and collaborated with students on a design challenge
Special Guest Speaker at Duke course Googlization of Knowledge: Information, Ethics, and Technology (2021)
Habit Day Conference Speaker on Digital Behavior in Health with Jennifer LaGuardia of Omada Health (2021)
Aetna-CVS General Management Leadership Development Program Speaker (2020)
BE Guide Launch Speaker on Framing in Health, Financial and Environmental Decisions (2020)
NeuroU Conference Speaker on Digital Tools (2020)
Behavioral Science in Policy and Association Conference Speaker on Digital Tools for Behavior Change (2020)
Society for Behavioral Medicine Conference Seminar on A Practical Guide to Creating Effective Digital Health Programs with Behavioral Science (2019)
Duke Digital Health Speaker on Using Behavioral Science to Drive Digital Health Engagement & Outcomes (2018)
Health Experience Design Conference Speaker on Digital Tools for Behavior Change: Findings from Research (2018)
Sous vide and other forms of cooking, gardening and other means of getting hands dirty, swinging on swings, traveling the world (and visit a new country each year unless a pandemic prevents travel).